Welcome back to our mini-series on spatial computing in the enterprise with Sven Brunner, CEO of Sphere: one of the top apps for enterprise grade collaboration/communication.
If you missed Part I, highly suggest you back and take a listen. Lots of important context around the state of enterprise adoption today, along with where & how companies are having success with AR, VR, and 3D more broadly.
Here in Part II, we cover:
The convergence of Spatial Computing and AI
How & why they're really a marriage made in heaven
Where there's some real utility now, where this combo is heading.
We also hit on the impact of the Apple Vision Pro, and of course, in classic Medium Energy fashion, we end on a philosophical note, exploring why this future will be a good thing for humanity
Per usual, let know what you think of this one, and if you have 30 seconds to spare, would greatly appreciate a share with one friend, and if feeling generous, perhaps review on your favorite podcast player!
E14: Sven Brunner - Part II | AI + Spatial Computing, Meta vs. Apple, Impacts on Humanity