Hi readers, been a little while, I know… currently bogged down by priorities at the main gig.
But fret not, sharing some audio content here to mix things up and hold you over.
I recently spoke on a panel at SXSW about designing the metaverse. We received surprisingly good feedback from the audience, with numerous folks telling us it was their favorite talk of the conference. So thought you all might enjoy as well.
You can find the audio recording here.
It was an extremely fun conversation with experts operating at almost every layer of the tech stack; from infrastructure (yours truly), to real-time 3D hardware/software (Alex Wills @ Disguise), to Web3 (Pico Valesquez, founder of VIIRA), to the real world metaverse via immersive art exhibits (Vince Kadlubeck, founder of MeowWolf. Which if you haven’t experienced, add it to your bucket list… they have mindblowing exhibits in Santa Fe, Denver, and Las Vegas).
Hope you can find time to listen within your podcast rotation, and if the talk sparks any questions, concerns, or ideas, don’t hesitate to reach out! Would love to hear your thoughts.
Fantastic job, Evan! Thanks for keeping it real so the rest of us out there can try to wrap our heads around all this! Keep it up!